
Take advantage of the longstanding professional expertise of REMCI Finance GmbH


Take advantage of the longstanding professional expertise of REMCI Finance GmbH



Building & property



Modernization loan
Construction / real estate
Home savings

Real estate

To buy
To sell
To rent


Real estate financing
Rent/purchase comparison
Additional costs



Pet owner
House- /landowner


Moped insurance
Classic car insurance


Accident insurance
Health insurance
Retirement provision

Buildings & …

Building insurance
Household insurance
Legal protect. insurance


Secure properly

Secure properly

… against claims by third parties for damages, in road traffic (the vehicle), in the event of an accident, illness, for retirement and against external influences (assets).

… before third party claims for damages
… in traffic (the vehicle)
… in the event of an accident
… in case of illness
… for retirement
… from external influences (assets)

We offer private customers individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

We offer private customers individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

REMCI Finace - Private customers

Liability insurance

How useful is private liability insurance?
You are legally liable for damage to third parties with your private assets. Mishaps are also included here. Auch Miss­ge­schicke sind hier inkludiert.

What does personal liability insurance cover?
Die Privathaftpflicht deckt Schäden an Dritten ab. Hier enthalten sind Personen, Sach- und Ver­mö­gens­schä­den. Wer vor­sätz­lich oder fahrlässig das Leben, den Körper, die Gesundheit, die Freiheit, das Eigentum oder ein sonstiges Recht eines anderen widerrechtlich verletzt, ist dem anderen zum Ersatz des daraus ent­ste­hen­den Schadens verpflichtet.

For whom is dog liability insurance useful?
Since you are liable in Germany for damage caused by your pet, every dog owner should take out dog liability insurance.

What does dog liability insurance cover?
Dog liability insurance covers damage to third parties. This includes personal, property and financial losses. Insurance cover only applies to the animals specified in the contract.

Who is landlord’s liability insurance for?
Protection through home and landowner liability insurance makes sense for all owners of apartments and houses.

Why do you need home and property liability insurance?
The house and landowner is liable for damage in connection with the incorrect construction or inadequate maintenance of a property.

What does home and landowner liability insurance cover?
All personal injury, property damage and financial loss that the policyholder, as the property owner, has caused to a third party are also insured.

For who is hunting liability insurance useful?
Anyone who wants to obtain a hunting license.

What does hunting liability insurance cover?
The statutory insurance protects hunters from personal injury, property damage and financial loss.

Are hunting dogs also insured?
Hunting dogs are also insured with hunting liability insurance.

For whom is horse liability insurance useful?
Since you are liable in Germany for damage caused to your horse, every horse owner should take out horse liability insurance.

What does horse liability insurance cover?
The compulsory horse insurance covers damage to third parties. This includes personal, property and financial losses. Insurance cover only applies to the animals specified in the contract.

Why do I need a builder’s liability insurance?
As the client, you are responsible if third parties are harmed on your construction site. Even if you have commissioned a company to carry out the construction. If this occurs, you are liable to an unlimited extent according to the law.

What does builder’s liability cover?
It covers personal injury, property damage and financial loss.


What is the difference between liability, partial and fully comprehensive insurance?
Liability covers damage that can be inflicted on third parties in road traffic. With partial coverage, theft, storm, hail, flood, fire, explosion, broken glass, damage to wild animals. Marten bite and damage to the wiring due to short circuit insured. Fully comprehensive insurance also includes vandalism and accidental damage. Part and fully comprehensive insurance are also more expensive than normal car insurance.

When is the car insurance cheapest?
On the reference date, November 30th. Then you can also change your car insurance.

What documents do I have to have with me for admission?
You should take your identity card, insurance confirmation number, vehicle letter and ASU certificate with you. You will also need proof of the last general inspection.

Does my moped need a vehicle registration?
Small motorbikes such as mopeds or scooters do not require a vehicle registration and are not subject to tax. Nevertheless, a valid insurance must be taken out.

What insurance do I have to take out for the moped?
To make the moped roadworthy, you must take out liability insurance. If you want to insure damage to your vehicle, you should also take out partial comprehensive insurance.

What is insured with the moped insurance?
With partial coverage, people, property and financial losses are insured in the event of an accident. In addition, your own moped is insured against fire, glass or damage from game, for example.

Why do I need classic car insurance?
A motor vehicle liability insurance is mandatory. In addition, however, it makes sense to expand insurance coverage, especially for classic cars.

What does classic car insurance cover?
With partial comprehensive insurance for classic cars, damage such as fire, vandalism, glass damage or theft are insured. If you opt for a fully comprehensive insurance, you can also be insured against accidents caused by yourself, negligence and breakages.

What is the value of my classic car?
To determine the exact value, you should have an independent appraisal carried out. The appropriate insurance cover can then be selected based on this.

Why do I need luxury vehicle insurance?
A motor vehicle liability insurance is mandatory. In addition, however, it makes sense to expand insurance coverage, especially for luxury vehicles.

What does luxury vehicle insurance cover?
With partial comprehensive insurance for classic cars, damage such as fire, vandalism, glass damage or theft are insured. If you opt for a fully comprehensive insurance, you can also be insured against accidents caused by yourself, negligence and breakages.

What is the highest possible amount of compensation?
The value that is determined in the appraisal forms the basis for calculating the compensation amount. It is therefore individually adapted to the value of the vehicle.

Personal insurances

What is private accident insurance for?
The private accident insurance takes over if an accident results in permanent physical or mental impairment or even leads to death. But the accident insurance also pays for the consequences of an accident that are not permanent. The insurance cover is generally valid around the clock and worldwide.

Why does private accident insurance make sense?
Accident insurance is particularly useful for housewives because many accidents occur in the household. In general, insurance is useful for anyone who wants to protect themselves against claims for damages.

What does accident insurance cover?
This protects you against the financial consequences of physical harm caused by an accident. However, the policy only applies if the damage was also caused by an accident.

Why is occupational disability insurance useful?
There is always the risk of becoming unable to work. In order to avert the financial consequences of this fate, you should have occupational disability insurance. With it, insured persons unable to work receive a fixed monthly pension agreed in advance, with which they can, for example, pay their rent or an ongoing loan.

What are the reasons for occupational disability?
Reasons can be both physical and mental illness.

What does the disability insurance pay?
If the BU degree determined by the doctor is over 50%, the disability insurance pays. A person concerned receives the agreed disability pension if he is no longer able to carry out 50% of his job due to an accident or illness.

Why do you need term life insurance?
The existence of your spouse, life partner or business partner is optimally secured by term life insurance.

What is insured with term life insurance?
In the event of death, term life insurance pays an agreed sum to those who remain. The term life insurance therefore covers the death of the policyholder and thus serves as financial security for the family.

What do I get from life insurance?
Life insurance combines the building blocks of old-age provision and financial security. There is also the option of extending insurance cover to cover accidents or occupational disability.

Which life insurance is the right one?
Which life insurance is right for you depends on various factors. These are, for example, your family status or your age.

What does the health insurance cover?
This insurance reimburses the costs of outpatient, inpatient and dental treatment. In addition, it offers protection in the event of care.

What types of health insurance are there?
For those with statutory health insurance there is supplementary health insurance, for those who can be exempt from statutory health insurance there is comprehensive health insurance.

How much money for private retirement provision?
Around 10% -15% of the net salary should be saved for monthly retirement provision.

When do you start to suffer from poverty in old age?
Net income of up to 2050 euros per month will later be affected by old-age poverty.

What is the pension gap?
The difference between salary and pension is called the pension gap. In 2020, the pension was equal to 47.6% of the pre-tax salary. So, if you only rely on the statutory pension, half of the salary is missing in old age.

Buildings & property insurances

Does home insurance make sense?
Residential building insurance makes sense as it replaces the replacement value of destroyed objects in the event of damage. Any necessary repair costs will also be reimbursed.

What is insured with residential building insurance?
Damage caused by fire, overvoltage, tap water, storm / hail, flood and snow pressure are covered by the residential building insurance

For whom is home contents insurance useful?
Anyone who wants to protect their inventory should have home insurance. It covers furnishings, everyday items and consumables as well as valuables and cash.

Which risks are insured and how?
The contents insurance covers fire (fire, lightning strike, explosion, overvoltage), tap water (broken pipe, frost damage to pipes) storm / hail and burglary.

Does glass insurance make sense?
Glass insurance makes sense if you have a lot of glass in your apartment or property and want to protect it.

What does the glass insurance cover?
With glass insurance, damage such as broken glass, scratches on the glass, cloudiness or other flaws are covered.

What is furniture glazing?
The furniture glazing covers mobile objects such as showcases or glass tables. You also have the option of insuring clean-up costs.

For whom is private legal protection insurance useful?
Legal protection insurance makes sense for anyone who does not want to pay for a possible legal dispute from their private assets.

What is covered by legal expenses insurance?
Court costs, own legal fees, opposing legal fees, witness fees, remuneration for commissioned experts and mediation proceedings are covered. It doesn’t matter whether the process was won or lost.

further insurance

The service disability insurance is the occupational disability insurance for civil servants.

Dread disease insurance provides coverage for serious illnesses. It serves as a good supplement to occupational disability insurance.

This is a provision for the event of death – funeral costs can be covered

Cancer insurance covers the risk of cancer to provide financial security for survivors upon diagnosis.

Basic ability insurance is coverage for physical and mental abilities.

Travel insurance covers illness before the trip or abroad. Cancellation costs are reimbursed if the trip is not taken and luggage can be insured. There is also travel interruption insurance, which takes effect if you have to end your vacation early.

The health insurance for vacation / stay abroad

Protection against cancellation, e.g. due to illness, death in the family, of the already booked trip.

By law, every builder must insure his helpers against accidents at work. Therefore, the helpers must be insured through the BG Bau. Private insurance for construction workers makes sense as a supplement and is strongly recommended. It offers more comprehensive protection in the event of an accident.

Protects unauthorized caravans and mobile homes.

A hull protection for your bike, whether due to theft or an accident.

Protection of your household goods in the car, e.g. during a vacation or business trip such as luggage, sports accessories, telephones, laptops etc. as well as professional or commercial items such as tools or spare parts. Camping insurance

Cyber protection also at home, e.g. online shopping, smart home use, etc.

Protection of your electrical equipment from operator error, clumsiness, short circuit, overcurrent, etc.

Secures your photo cameras, mobile video devices and all accessories.

Protects your phone against operating errors, shock, drop, breakage, etc.

Protects you from rent-to-own scammers and recovers property damage and financial losses from them.

Protects against financial losses caused by fire, lightning, explosion, short circuit, theft and burglary.

Covers damage to persons and property. You are otherwise liable with your private assets.

Yacht insurance is a fully comprehensive insurance for the boat. Covered are financial damages due to vandalism, fire, theft or accident.

Protects your forest from storms and fire damage.

The tent insurance covers damage caused by accidents Fire, lightning strike, explosion, Theft, burglary, robbery; force majeure, storm and hail covered..

The rent deposit insurance is an insurance for the provision of a deposit security for private tenancies in accordance with the regulations of § 551 BGB.

Art insurance offers financial protection in the event of damage to pictures, photos, collections (e.g. postage stamps or coins), sculptures, but in some cases also furs and jewelry.

Protection of high-quality household items, exclusivity and lifestyle.

With e-bike insurance, for example, theft of the bike or the battery is also insured. You can also insure parts (saddle).

The photovoltaic insurance covers theft of the system. It offers an add-on solution to home insurance by including more risks.

This insurance protects the insured musical instrument against loss, destruction or damage.

Further Insurances

Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur luctus dui id convallis. Sed pellentesque erat non eu auctor tortor, sit amet egestas purus.

Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur luctus dui id convallis. Sed pellentesque erat non eu auctor tortor, sit amet egestas purus.

Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur luctus dui id convallis. Sed pellentesque erat non eu auctor tortor, sit amet egestas purus.


Finance properly

Finance properly

… for building, buying, modernizing, home loan savings and for personal loans.

… for building, buying, modernizing, home loan savings and for personal loans.

We offer private customers individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

We offer private customers individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

Build / Buy
Build / Buy

Build- / real estate
Build, Buy,
Renovate, Rescheduling

Personal loan
Personal loan

your personal plans


Modernization loan

Home savings
Home savings

Create equity,
plan financing


Mortgage lending

With a home loan you can make your dream home come true.

This loan is a long-term and earmarked loan that is used to buy a house, apartment or property.

Construction financing can be applied for by private individuals, self-employed persons, freelancers and so on, provided that it relates to a private real estate project.

As a rule, an equity share of at least around 20 to 30 percent of the total costs is required. Of this, around 5 to 15 percent are accounted for by the incidental purchase costs, such as notary fees, real estate transfer tax and, if applicable, brokerage fees. The remaining 10 to 15 percent are to be brought into the construction financing.

Personal loan

With a personal loan, you can fulfill your personal wishes.

With a personal loan, you can finance personal needs, such as a kitchen, a car or a vacation.

Private individuals over the age of 18 may only apply for the personal loan.

Modernization loan

With the modernization loan, you have the option of opting for a personal loan or a home loan.

The modernization loan can be taken out as an installment loan or real estate finance (building finance). The loan must be used for residential purposes.

In general, this includes all measures that contribute to maintaining or improving the quality of living or the property. These include: roof work, solar systems, renovation of the floors, wallpaper, bathrooms, facades or heating.

With an installment loan, a simplified credit decision is made because the lender waives the house as security. It is therefore only based on your personal creditworthiness. The maximum loan amount is between 30,000 and 75,000 euros, depending on the provider.

Home savings

A home loan and savings contract impresses with its unique combination of savings and loan options. A home loan and savings contract is ideal because of its security and predictability. With a deal you can secure low interest rates for the future today.

With home savings, equity is accumulated or long-term, low interest rates are secured. As a rule, you will save half of the agreed building loan amount and you will receive the other half in the form of a loan.

In particular for future real estate projects or construction or modernization measures, the home loan and savings contract offers long-term planning security and low debit interest.

Yes, like the employee savings allowance or house building bonus.

Real estate

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To buy

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Your team of experts

Your team of experts

… in the real estate sector

… in the real estate sector

With the all-round service from free market value assessment to the processing of the purchase contract.

As a real estate agent according to §34d GewO, we are also happy to be at your disposal as a competent contact person for the sale, rental or acquisition of real estate.

Due to our network and our business partners, we are able to operate almost nationwide.

In particular, we have access to off-market objects.

With the all-round service from free market value assessment to the processing of the purchase contract.

As a real estate agent according to §34d GewO, we are also happy to be at your disposal as a competent contact person for the sale, rental or acquisition of real estate.

Due to our network and our business partners, we are able to operate almost nationwide.

In particular, we have access to off-market objects.

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